23 Jul Cottage village – reality
A modern cottage settlement is a residential complex for which the following characteristics are true:
• Uniform architectural style
• Transport interchanges, good roads
• Highest security requirements, 24/7 security
• Professionally executed communications
• Developed infrastructure
• Favorable ecological situation
• Beautiful landscapes
Now many people want to move to their own country house. The fast pace of city life, constant stress, gas pollution of the streets, incessant background noise, cramped apartments, dirty yards, the disadvantages of city life can be listed endlessly. Alas, the city has become an integral part of our lives. But after work you can return to a cozy house, outside of which the forest rustles, the river flows, the birds sing. Where you can open the window in the morning and breathe in the clean forest air and hear the silence. All this will become possible when buying a cottage or townhouse. You can live in unity with nature and use the level of comfort that you are used to (although, cottages often even surpass city apartments in terms of comfort).
Although in developed countries, the idea of life outside the city has been used in its own house for many decades, in Russia the construction boom of cottage villages has begun relatively recently. At first, the cottages were built in the suburbs of Moscow exactly there the first cottage villages grew up there. Perm picked up the flag relatively recently, but to date in Perm and its environs there are already more than 60 cottage villages at different stages of construction.
Each cottage village is individual, since it differs in the location and architectural concept. In addition, differences are held at the level of infrastructure, contingent, and the cost of housing. There are quite a few varieties of cottage settlements: closed, settlements for the middle class, economy class, business class, club, premium, etc.D. As a rule, elite club villages and premium villages are small in them only a few very large land plots. In addition, all the houses of the club village necessarily unites the general concept. There can be several hundred houses in the middle -class cottage village, land plots are usually small or medium -sized, architectural style is maintained very strictly up to the complete unification of buildings. Sometimes in the village of this type, not cottages are built, but Townhai multi -level houses, separated between several owners. Land plots with town houses are very small about two acres for each owner.
When buying a house in a cottage village, it is incorrect to focus only on its area and layout. It is necessary to evaluate the village as a whole, this is the only way to get the right idea of life in your new house. Ideally, you should look at at least a few cottage settlements before making a final choice.
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