10 Mar Hall renovation – ceiling
Hall – the largest and most significant room in each apartment. Here we receive guests and celebrate holidays. Therefore, the hall should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable and cozy. The hall can be called the face of the owners. The design of this room reflects all the preferences and hobbies of the owners.
There are many options for decorating this room. But the most important thing is that repairs should be of high quality and durable, and consumables should be environmentally friendly. First of all, you need to decide how you want to see your room, in what style you will decorate it, and most importantly, how much money you are willing to spend on it.
An important role in the design of the hall is the design of the ceiling. If you pay special attention to the repair of the ceiling, it can become the main decoration of the room.
Before proceeding directly to the repair in the apartment, you need to decide how you will level the ceiling – with plaster or with drywall. If drywall will be used, then removing the old layer of plaster is not necessary.
With the help of plasterboard structures, you can create the most unusual designs on the ceiling, but for this you will need the help of specialists. But with a strong desire, you can learn on your own, manage drywall and create your own masterpieces. Drywall constructions look especially impressive in combination with spot lighting.
If you decide to use stretch ceilings for the hall, then you will inevitably have to resort to the help of professionals. Since the installation of stretch ceilings requires special expensive tools and materials.
It is quite possible to repair the ceiling in the hall with the help of plaster on your own. It is especially important to seal all seams in ceilings. Carefully prepare and level the surface of the ceiling. Then it is necessary to apply a primer with a roller, the surface should be well saturated. Particular attention should be paid to the next stage of ceiling repair – putty. The quality of the puttying work will depend on how smooth and beautiful your ceiling will look. A lot also depends on the quality of consumables. It is necessary to take seriously the choice of a mixture for putty. In order to prevent cracks from forming on the ceiling later, you can use gauze, which must be glued to wet plaster.
The next stage is the finishing plaster, which will hide all the minor imperfections of the ceiling surface. After completion of the finishing putty, the surface should be even and smooth. After the last layer of plaster dries, it is necessary to sand the surface of the ceiling with sandpaper. Only after that you can proceed directly to painting the ceiling. For painting ceilings, water-based or water-dispersion paint is used.
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