04 Feb Self-leveling floor Knauf – Knauf Boden, Knauf Tribon
One of the most famous in the domestic market is the Knauf self-leveling floor. In the world, he has enjoyed well-deserved popularity for a long time, but he came to our country only in 1993. Since then, the brand’s products have helped Russian builders and those who do landscaping with their own hands to cope with many complex tasks. The manufacturer manages to maintain the consistently high quality of mixtures and other materials through the use of the most modern equipment.
Product range
As of today, mixtures of the named brand are very widely represented. Among the most famous are the following:
floor Knauf Boden – combines several types of mixtures that are most preferred for creating coatings located inside buildings. Prompt drying and plasticity due to the gypsum base. If necessary, the mixture can be used as a layer that provides sound insulation, or for insulation. When choosing one or another representative of the group, pay attention to the characteristics;
UBO is one of the most common mixtures made on the basis of cement, to which expanded polystyrene is added (in granules). Pleases not only with the pleasant appearance of the finished surface, but also with an affordable cost;
floor Tribon Knauf – new from the manufacturer. The composition of the universal mixture, in addition to Portland cement and building gypsum (mixed binder), includes quartz sand, which acts as an aggregate, and various modifying additives. It is allowed to use the new material in rooms with normal or dry humidity conditions. In the process of construction and repair work, it can be used on concrete and wood bases.
We suggest immediately assessing whether the price of the Knauf self-leveling floor is high in relation to the named varieties of the mixture. So, the first will cost you at least 405-440 rubles per bag, the second – 350 rubles per bag weighing 25 kilograms, the third – from 250-270 rubles for a 30-kilogram bag.
What is the brand famous for??
Consider the three main characteristics of the products of the indicated brand, thanks to which its products have gained wide popularity not only in Russia, but throughout the world.
Plastic. One of the main advantages of the material, since earlier (that is, without it) the manufacture of a screed took a very long time. Thanks to plasticity, surface treatment is carried out without any difficulty.
Sound and heat insulation. Contribute to creating a comfortable environment in any room. Hence the demand for the described coatings by the owners of industrial and office premises, as well as private housing. Constant uncontrollable noise will no longer be a problem.
Multicomponent. The composition of the finished product includes all the necessary components. Therefore, the contractor just needs to dilute it with water. Thanks to this quality, the time and cost of transporting additional materials to the work site is significantly reduced.
The main advantage of any product is the ability to self-level. That is, after the end of the laying operation, it is not necessary to align and evaluate the results obtained using the building level. The pre-diluted mixture covers the required surface so evenly that then it remains just to lay the finish coating: parquet, tile, linoleum, and so on.
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