Stages of building a wooden house

Of course, the stages of building a wooden house largely coincide with the processes that accompany the construction of a structure based on brick or stone. There are, however, some nuances, and therefore we will immediately determine the most important stages.

Stage one

Layout of a wooden structure, as well as features of its location within the site. This stage, in the vast majority of situations, is determined by the customer and is of particular importance, as it is able to determine life not only in a wooden structure, but also the possibility of using the usable area of ​​​​the territory. You should immediately think about how the garage, bathhouse, as well as other ancillary technical facilities will be located. The first stage should be entrusted to specialists, and if you are determined to decide on it on your own, you should enlist the relevant knowledge.

Stage two

Creating a project and performing all calculations that are related to a wooden house. With the help of a properly prepared project, it will be possible to calculate the required quantities of consumables, determine construction costs, and also accurately select the optimal material that will be needed during the construction of the foundation and the residential box itself. Ideally, one organization should be engaged in calculations, whose employees are able to perform calculations related not only to construction work, but also with engineering networks, as well as with decoration.

Stage three

Direct construction of the foundation of the structure. This stage should always be controlled by the customer, despite the fact that, in fact, it can be classified as draft. With the help of observations, it is possible to draw the right conclusions about the professionalism of contractors who are building.

Stage four

It is connected with the preparation of a residential wooden box. If we are talking about a wooden frame, then a box is being prepared right at the construction site. However, it is worth noting that serious firms sometimes prefer to do serious work right on the territory of their factory. If we are talking about round logs, frame-panel construction or glued beams, preparation is carried out at the factory. If we are talking about a log house, then the whole process was transferred to carpentry workshops. Despite the fact that the customer cannot directly observe the work, he may well evaluate its final result. In a situation where the manufacturer does not have the status of an assembler, you can ask for a rough assembly at home before final acceptance.

A rough assembly should be understood as such an assembly, which is carried out in the absence of nails. As a rule, it is carried out on the territory owned by the manufacturing factory. The assembly is able to demonstrate to you the features of the quality of locking joints and grooves, as well as how tightly and evenly its individual parts are connected. Be that as it may, whether the house is assembled by the manufacturer or by a hired private team, the wood must be carefully monitored for decay, as well as traces of the presence of bark beetles. Despite the use of the most modern coatings, these shortcomings can cause the death of the entire structure.

Stage five

Assembly of the entire structure on the basis, that is, on the foundation. In general, this assembly differs significantly from the draft version, as it involves a complete fixation of the elements, which uses nails and pins. The same stage involves the construction of rafters, roof decking, as well as cutting window and door openings.

Stage six

Building shrinkage. The exact shrinkage time depends on the moisture content of the material used, but in general it varies from 6 to 12 months. In the event that you decide to use glued laminated timber, then you can forget about the shrinkage process, because the moisture content of the material is at the level of 12 percent.

Stage seven

At this stage, the installation of windows, floors and doors. In the event that there is a corresponding need, at the same stage, the wooden structure must be insulated. An important aspect is that all these works should not be carried out before the shrinkage of the building is completed. Otherwise, the house may hang on the frames. Experienced craftsmen save themselves from this trouble by creating special grooves above the frames.

Compliance with this sequence of construction steps, you can get the structure in the form that you really need, as well as protect yourself as much as possible from possible troubles that sometimes occur during the construction of a wooden structure.

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